







Thanking God for the First profession of our three sisters; Lucy, Jacinta and Elizabeth.We wish you God’s blessings, dear sisters.





Celebrating Final profession of  sister Benedict Lutaya. We,the family of Pious Society of the Daughters of St.PaulIMG_5802 thank God for you and wish you well in the        vineyard of the Lord.





Our cultures are so rich,and we should always treasure.Being ready to welcome new cultures and learning from different people of different cultures,in order to enrich ourselves.


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It is good once in a while to travel to different places,especially the places we treasure most in life, for they have made us who we are today.







God is faithful……………….

“I give thanks to my God at every remembrance of you praying always with joy in my every prayer for all of you.”(Phil 1:3-4) It’s so beautiful and encouraging to see eleven of our sisters join their novitiate stage. This is so great and worthy of thanking God for his wonders in their lives and in our congregation. Our hope for
tomorrow is bright and visible in them. The gospel has to fly to the ends of the world. We thank and praise God for you our dear sisters and place you in the hands of Mary our Mother, Teacher and Queen. Congratulations to our dear eleven and best wishes for you!!!!


In August 2022 God blessed us with 9 Novices who began their journey in the Novitiate stage. Kindly keep them in prayer.